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dimanche 6 mai 2012


Read the text carefully then do the activities.
One of the most effective approaches to helping young children develop literacy
skills is to have a home environment that supports literacy. Research clearly shows
that instructional environments have a powerful impact on children’s growth in
reading. While much of the research on instructional environments focuses on
classroom environments, researchers believe that the same effects may be found
in supportive home environments. On this subject, Rasinski and Fredericks ( two
famous researchers) write : “It seems clear to us that home environments for reading
and writing should be given at least equal consideration.”

vendredi 4 mai 2012


Read the text carefully then do the activities.
Instruction focused on questions of right and wrong is called moral education. It
also includes the development of values, the standards by which people judge what
is important, worthwhile, and good. People receive moral education from many
sources, including their family, mosques, friends, and even television. Schools have
always been involved in such education, either intentionally or unintentionally. For
example, many stories for young readers include moral lessons.

mardi 1 mai 2012


PART ONE: READING  (15pts)                                                                                                    
A.    Comprehension :                                                                                   (8pts)
Read the text carefully then do the activities.
 Dear Sir / Madam
      I feel I must complain about the lunch we had at your restaurant on Thursday 17th May. Unfortunately, both the food and the service were not satisfactory.
    To begin with, the dishes we ordered were not tasty because of heavy seasoning. There was also so much salt and pepper on the food that it was impossible to eat the whole meal. Furthermore, your advertisement was misleading as there were only two vegetarian dishes on the menu.