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vendredi 3 février 2012


Read the text carefully then do the activities
        Athenians thought of themselves as the shining star of the Greek city states. They were famous for their literature, poetry, drama, theatre, schools, buildings, and government. Before the Greek dark ages, Athens was a small village and developed rapidly until it became one of the two most powerful city states in the ancient Greek world.                                                                                                                  
          The Greek believed that each city state in ancient Greece had a god or a goddess in charge of it, their special patron. For Athens, the patron was Athena, goddess of wisdom. Perhaps because Athena was their patron, Athenians put a great deal of emphasis on education. 
          Girls learned at home from their mothers to run a home, to be good wives and mothers. While boys were educated quite differently; until the age of 7, they were taught and educated at home by their mothers. They attended a day school outside the home from 7 to 14. There, they memorized Homeric poetry and learned to play the lyre. They learned drama, public speaking, reading, writing, math, and perhaps even how to play the flute. After middle-school, they went to a four year high-school and learned more about math, science, and government. At the age of 18, they attended two years of military school. This is why Athens was proud of its system of education.
          The men of Athens met each week to discuss problems and work on solutions. For about 100 years, Athens was a direct democracy.
A/ Comprehension:                                                                                                                           
  1- Choose the best answer.  The text is about:                                                                                 
a - life and education in ancient Greece.  
b- The Greek civilization.                                                                                                                  
c- Athens, the capital of Greece.                                                                                                            
  2- Are the following statements true or false?                                                                                   
a- Athens was a city state in the ancient Greek world.                                                                                 b- The goddess Athena was in charge of most city states in ancient Greece.                                                                
  c- Athenians were literate people.  
d- Athenian men rarely met talk about their problem                                               
4-Answer the following questions according to the text.                                                                     
a-What were Athenians well known for?  
b-What was Athens proud for? c-How did Athenians solve their problems?  
B- Text Exploration:                                                                                                                                   1-Find in the text words, phrases or expressions that are closest in meaning to the following.                           Well-known= (§1) ……      a lot of= (§2) ………        a century= (§4)……….                                                                                                                      
b- Complete the following table as in the example.

c - Complete the 2nd sentence so that it means the same as the 1st one.                                                         1- Centuries ago, Athenians believed that each city state in ancient Greece had a god.But, today they don’t do so.       
2- Athenian soldiers served only two years in the military , they could be called at any moment up to age sixty.                       Although…………………………………………………………………………………………………………  3-The Chinese arrived. They showed how to combine intelligence and discipline.                            
  As soon as the Chinese ……………………, they ……………………………………………………
d- Give the number of syllables in each word.
     Civilization     -    country   -        education   -       Athenians 

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