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vendredi 4 mai 2012


Read the text carefully then do the activities.
Instruction focused on questions of right and wrong is called moral education. It
also includes the development of values, the standards by which people judge what
is important, worthwhile, and good. People receive moral education from many
sources, including their family, mosques, friends, and even television. Schools have
always been involved in such education, either intentionally or unintentionally. For
example, many stories for young readers include moral lessons.

Inculcation is an effort to teach children the values that educators believe lead to
moral conduct. These values include honesty, compassion, justice, and respect for
others. One way of teaching such standards is to provide appropriate praise and
punishment. Another means is to have teachers reflect the desired values in their
own behaviour.
Surveys indicate that most parents favour some form of moral education in
schools. Supporters of such education argue that the family and holly places need
help in teaching moral behaviour. Many believe that schools in a democratic society
must teach such values as hard work, honesty, fairness, cooperation, tolerance, and
Adapted from : Howard Kirshenbaum
1. Are these statements true or false ? Write “T” or “F” next to the sentence
a) Moral education is basically educating children in ethics and morality.
b) The behaviour of teachers in class is unimportant.
c) There is renewed interest in moral education.
2. Classify the following ideas according to their occurrence in the text.
a) Praise and punishment is a way of teaching moral values.
b) Honesty, cooperation and tolerance are values democracy needs.
c) Moral education is concerned with principles of right and wrong
3. In which paragraph is it mentioned that hard work is a value ?
4. Answer the following questions according to the text.
a) How do people receive moral education ?
b) Why is inculcation associated with childhood ?
5. Choose a title to the text.
a) Civic Education b) Moral Education c) Physical Education
B - Text Exploration (7 pts)
1. Match words in column (A) with their definitions in column (B).
1. Worthwhile
2. Compassion
3. Appropriate
4. Survey

a) right for the occasion
b) general study
c) Having real merit
d) Feeling for help
2. Complete the following chart as shown in the example.
Verb Noun Adjective
to question question questionable
…………… education ……………….
…………… …………….. punitive
3. Ask questions that the underlined words answer.
a) Schools have always been involved in moral education.
……………………………………………………………………. ?
b) Democracy needs values as hard work, fairness, tolerance, and respect.
……………………………………………………………………. ?
4. Complete sentence (b) so that it means the same as sentence (a).
1. a) People receive moral education from many sources.
b) Moral education …………………….....................……………….
2. a) “These fables include important moral lessons”. The teacher said
b) The teacher said that ………………………………………………
5. Classify the following words according to the final “s” pronunciation
ethics - establishes - defines - cases.
/6. The sentences below are in jumbled order. Reorder them to get a coherent
a) In many cases, our obligations conflict or are vague.
b) Problems arise in ethics because we often have difficulty knowing exactly
what the right thing to do is.
c) In addition, people often disagree about whether a particular action or
principle is morally right or wrong.
d) Ethics asks such questions as : “What makes right actions right and wrong
actions wrong ?” “What is good and what is bad ?”
Part Two : Written Expression (6 pts)
Choose one of the following topics.
Either topic one : Use some of the following clues to write a letter of about
100 words to your best friend telling him/her about the ideal character.
- Treat others with respect
- Be open-minded
- Forgive others
- Persevere and keep on trying
- Be self-disciplined
- Don’t blame others
- Be a good neighbour
- Protect the environment
- Be kind
- Express gratitude
- Obey laws and rules
- Respect authority
Or topic two : Your friend has been taking drugs for months now. You have
tried to persuade him/her to stop, but he/she refuses. Will you inform the parents
or keep silent for not violating your friend’s trust in you ?
Write a paragraph of about 100 words to explain the reasons of your choice.

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