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samedi 29 avril 2017

advertising and society


Read the passage carefully then do the activities

     While advertising can be seen as necessary for economic growth, it is not without social costs. Unsolicited commercial e-mail and other forms of spam have become so prevalent as to have become a major nuisance for users of these services, as well as being a burden on the Internet providers. Advertising is increasingly invading public spaces, such as schools…
       The impact of publicity is greater on the poor than on the average working class family. The first are in need of almost every kind of modern comfort, consumption goods, travels and to mention a few of their unsatisfied necessities. The latter, on the other hand, do not all escape the negative effects of publicity. They are the victims, too. They are the slaves of fashion, new products and consumer goods and can't live without them.

       It is common truth today that publicity has a harmful effect on the individual. The aggressiveness from advertisement grows threateningly in affluent societies. Whenever you are or wherever you go and practically at any moment of the day or night, advertisement is there waiting for you. The street, the home, the office, the school, the stadium, the sky, practically every inch of the earth is a hostile environment, a battlefield where advertisements are constantly offending man's peace

A.   Comprehension

1. Circle the letter corresponding to the right answer.

         A. The text is about:

                   a. the importance of advertising.

                   b. The advantages of advertising.

                   c. The impact of advertising on the individual.

         B. Publicity has:

                   a. no effect on the individual

                   b. a great impact on the poor and deprived.

                   c. a good effect on the individual.

2.  Are the following statements true or false? Write "T" for true and "F" for false next to the sentence letter.

    a- Advertising is of no use for economic growth.

    b- Commercial e-mails and spam cost nothing to the Internet service providers.

    c- No one can escape the negative effects of advertising.

    d- Advertising is everywhere.

3- Answer the following questions according to the text

a. Where do we find advertisements?

b. What impact does publicity have on people?

4- Who or what do the following words refer to in the text?

a. The first are in need of almost…. (§2)

b- The latter, on the other hand do not all escape……(§2)

     B.  Text Exploration

1. Match each word with its corresponding definition or synonym.

a.      growth
b.     prevalent
c.      deprived
d.     affluent
1.     rich
2.     without enough food, housing, health care etc.
3.     development.
4.     common

2. Give opposites keeping the same root.

a. necessary           b. careful          c. legal          d. real

3. Complete sentence (b) so that it means the same as sentence(a)

1.a- "Well-advertised products are not necessarily good ones," he said

   b- He said that………………………………………………………..

2.a- Some advertisements frustrate deprived people.

   b- Deprived people…………………………………………………

3.a- You shouldn't spend so much money on advertised products.

   b- If I…………………………………………………………………

4.a- I regret having bought that pair of shoes.

   b- I wish I……………………….. that pair of shoes.

4. Reorder the following words to make a coherent sentence.

From/ they/ the/ people/ up/ wake/ influenced/ publicity/ by/ are/ minute.

5- Classify the following words according to the number of their syllables

a- economic      b- social          c- prevalent           d- goods


Topic :

         Poor people are the victims of publicity because they can neither resist its impact nor satisfy their needs. Using the notes below, write a composition on the harmful effects of publicity on the poor.

         -temptation / difficult / to resist

         -feeling / frustration / because / not satisfy / needs

         -theft / crime / selling drugs / buy / advertised goods     

         -hatred of society

         - delinquency

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