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lundi 12 décembre 2011

Space exploration

PART ONE:Reading (15 pts)

A-Comprehension(08 pts)
       Read the text carefully and do the suggested activities:

      United States scientists from many fields are using their knowledge to advance rocket development for  peaceful uses. Their aim is to speed the day when man travels in space-interplanetary exploration.
    Before man can actually travel in space many engineering problems must be solved. Because space has no atmosphere ,man must carry his environment with him. Experiments are now under way to determine how best to provide him with air, water food and relief from boredom, plus protection from extreme heat ,cold and radioactivity.
      The lack of gravity presents many problems for man in space. He will be weightless and will float even inside a spaceship. As his food will float, it has to be squeezed into his mouth from tubes. The lack of pressure outside a spacecraft will cause his body to burst without a special suit. A practical means of directing a spaceship and re-entering the earth's atmosphere also are prime concerns to scientists.
      Many experts believe that space platforms outside the earth's atmosphere are the best place for man to launch  his interplanetary flights,Among other benifits, the space platforms,without atmosphere or gravity, could save the enormous energies required for a spaceship to take off from earth.
      Despite the preparations for man to travel in space, electronic robots might be the first to explore other planets because they could be controlled by radio and would not be affected by temperature,radiation,atmosphere,etc.
                                                                            (Adapted from mission to the Moon,1969)
1-Choose the best answer:
      a- the type of the text is: a-a letter   b-an article        c-a report
      b-The title of the text is: a-space and gravity
                                              b-the atmosphere in space
                                              c-a trip to space

2-Say if the following statements true or false according to the text:
  a-the goal of the scientists ie to speed the day when man travels in space.
  b-Man could travel in space without any problem.
           c-space platforms have many benefits
       d-man is not prepared to explore other planets so he might be replaced by robots
 3-Answer the following questions according to the text:
   a-what are the US scientists working on?
   b-Mention two problems related to the lack of gravity.
   c-What are the advantages of space platforms?
4-What or who do yhr underlined words refer to in the text ?
     Their………            they………
B)Text exploration  (07pts)
 1- a-Find in the text words that are synonyms to:
    a -take(§2)=..............                      b -to explode=(§3)…………
     b-Find in the text words that are opposites of:
    c -Ordinary(§3 )  ………             d –To land  (§4) ………..

2- Complete the following chart as showing the example:
  adjective         noun                   verb
believable          belief              To believe    
                                                To know
3-Combine the following sentences with the connecters between brackets:
  a-Satellite is distant.It covers a large part of the earth.(so that).
  b-If Our knowledge in science were vast, we would travel to space.(suppose)
  c-Astronaut is the person who sails to the star/Astronautic is the science and technology of           space flight.(whereas)

4-Ask questions on the underlined words:
  a-Scientists are using their knowledge in space.
            1                                2
 5-Classify the following words according to the pronunciation of their final"s"
          States –uses –means  –fields.     
/iz/    /z/    /s/
6-Reorder the following sentences to get a coherent paragraph.
  a-not only for spaceship launching,
  b-it will probably be used for communication rely and astronomical study as well.
  c-But also for forecasting the earth's meather.
  d-Many scientists believe that the moon could serve as a base.

PART TWO: Written expression  (5 pts).
    Write a composition of about 80 words either

Topic one: Imagine you have visited another planet. Tell what is different from our planet and what is similar to it:
          -Life                 -People
          -Nature             -Food

Topic two: Suppose a comet collided with the earth; what would happen then?

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