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samedi 29 avril 2017

Organic food

Part One: Reading /A-Comprehension:                               

       Read the text carefully then do the following activities.

         Organic food is food which has been produced to standards designed to keep the production more 'natural'.  Fewer, if any, chemicals are used and most pesticides are banned - when they are used they are very carefully controlled.

          For example in the UK, there are various bodies to certify food and producers as organic. One of the main ones is the Soil Association which checks organic foods are organic, runs campaigns to educate the public, helps farmers switch to organic farming and carries out scientific research into organic farming.

          Some people say organic foods are better than processed foods because with processed foods there can be hidden fats, salt and sugar that can go in during the processing. Food certified as organic is not allowed to contain GM (genetically modified) ingredients.

          Eaters of organic food think that it tastes better. Some people buy organic meat because the animals are treated better. In addition, there is not the risk of farming chemicals affecting water supplies.  Another thing that is not allowed is giving drugs like antibiotics and hormones to animals. Animals have to be kept in certain ways. Chickens, for example, have to be free to scratch about and get plenty of sunlight, among other things.



1)      Circle the correct answer: The text is about:                                                                     ( 0.5 pt )

              a- characteristics of organic food   /  b- production of organic food   /    c- marketing of organic food

     2)Are the following statements true or false?                                                                          ( 2 pts )

         a- Organic food is produced with no chemicals or pesticides at all.       ……..

         b- Scientists are doing big research on organic food.    ……

         c- Processed foods contain fats.    …….

         d- People don’t purchase organic food.  …….

   3) In which paragraph is it mentioned that…                                                                           ( 2 pts )

         a- farmers are taught how to produce organic food?     …………..

         b- organic foods are more delicious than other foods?  …………..

  4) Answer the following questions according to the text.                                                            ( 3 pts )

         a- Is organic food healthy?


         b- What are Soil Association main duties?


         c- Why are organic foods better than processed foods?


 5) What or who do the underlined words refer to in the text:                                                    ( 1.5 pt )

               they (§1)………….                  /  which (§ 2) ……………                  /   it (§ 4)………..

  B/ Text exploration:

 1) Find in the text words whose definitions follow:                                                                       ( 1 pt )

    b-Natural ;grown in an environment free from artificial agrichemicals (§1) ……………….

    a- substances used to prevent or destroy pest (§1)   ……………….

2)Classify the following words in the table below:                                                                                ( 2 pts )

     production          unbelievable          obesity         non-organic



2)      Join each pair of sentences using one of the connectors given. Make any necessary changes.(3pts)                                                                                                                                                                                                        

 1- The Soil Association has warned people not to purchase GMFs. Some consumers still do. ( although/ because)


 2- Advertisements of fast food and cigarettes should be banned from the media.They are harmful ( owing to / if)


 3-Farmers use herbicides in their crops. Undesirable plants are killed.  ( since / as a consequence)


4) Classify the following words according to the number of their syllables.                                          (2 pts)

              Consumption      grown            obesity                     package 


One syllable
Two syllables
Three syllables
Four syllables

5) Complete what A says in the following conversation.                                                                       (3 pts)


     B: Obesity is mainly caused by eating much fatty and sugary food.


     B: Yes of course. Obesity causes other diseases like diabetes, cancer, heart disease and stroke.


     B: We can lose weight through eating much fruit and vegetables and taking enough exercise.

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