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mardi 20 novembre 2012



The information in these clauses is not essential. It tells us more about someone or something, but it does not help us to identify them or it.
  • Dogs that like cats are very unusual. (This tells us which dogs we are talking about).
  • Gorillas, which are large and orignate in Africa, can sometimes be found in zoos. (This gives us some extra information about gorillas - we are talking about all gorillas, not just one type or group).
  • John's mother, who lives in Scotland, has 6 grandchildren. (We know who John's mother is, and he only has one. The important information is the number of grandchildren, but the fact that she lives in Scotland might be followed with the words "by the way" - it is additional information).
Non-defining relative clauses are always separated from the rest of the sentence by commas. The commas have a similar function to brackets:
  • My friend John has just written a best-selling novel. (He went to the same school as me)
  • My friend John, who went to the same school as me, has just written a best-selling novel.

samedi 22 septembre 2012

Big Business For Cyberteens

     Some young Americans love computers, but not for playing games. Trent, Danny and Charles run their own computer advice companies. 

     Their fascination for computers began at  an early age. Danny   Kalmick, from California, got his first computer at age five. When he was 11, he understood how it worked. Now Danny, 14, owns Kalmick & Co. , fixing computers and giving advice. So far, he has 50 clients.

     Trent Einsenberg, 16, from Minneapolis, realised he could make money from his computer knowledge when he easily found the solution to a problem described on the Internet. Compaq, a top computer manufacturer, saw his response and offered him a job.
Section1. Reading Comprehension

Read the following text carefully then do the activities.

Learning English

        English language learning is widely spread over different parts of the world . It is taught as a foreign language in many countries. In many others, it is considered as a part of their culture: It is used as a second language. They are called the Commonwealth or the English language speaking countries.
       The English language learners are often seen as the best judges of their own needs and wants because they know what they can and cannot do with it, and what language skills are more essential . Even large numbers of them  face  problems  and expensive access to the  necessary materials , they  prefer  to surf   through the Internet  or read books and special  magazines dealing with the subject .

dimanche 6 mai 2012


Read the text carefully then do the activities.
One of the most effective approaches to helping young children develop literacy
skills is to have a home environment that supports literacy. Research clearly shows
that instructional environments have a powerful impact on children’s growth in
reading. While much of the research on instructional environments focuses on
classroom environments, researchers believe that the same effects may be found
in supportive home environments. On this subject, Rasinski and Fredericks ( two
famous researchers) write : “It seems clear to us that home environments for reading
and writing should be given at least equal consideration.”

vendredi 4 mai 2012


Read the text carefully then do the activities.
Instruction focused on questions of right and wrong is called moral education. It
also includes the development of values, the standards by which people judge what
is important, worthwhile, and good. People receive moral education from many
sources, including their family, mosques, friends, and even television. Schools have
always been involved in such education, either intentionally or unintentionally. For
example, many stories for young readers include moral lessons.

mardi 1 mai 2012


PART ONE: READING  (15pts)                                                                                                    
A.    Comprehension :                                                                                   (8pts)
Read the text carefully then do the activities.
 Dear Sir / Madam
      I feel I must complain about the lunch we had at your restaurant on Thursday 17th May. Unfortunately, both the food and the service were not satisfactory.
    To begin with, the dishes we ordered were not tasty because of heavy seasoning. There was also so much salt and pepper on the food that it was impossible to eat the whole meal. Furthermore, your advertisement was misleading as there were only two vegetarian dishes on the menu.

jeudi 12 avril 2012


Must express obligation and a strong necessity, it is followed by a verb without "to".
Have to is an equivalent of Must but not as strong.
Examples :

  • Muslims must pray (perform salah) five times a day.

  • Students have to do their homework.


Look at the example below :

  • Somebody built that school in 1896.

  • That school was built in 1896.

This is a passive construction. It is used when a fact is more important than who performed its actions.
Shakespeare wrote "Hamlet". He also wrote many other plays. (Active voice = The focus is on Shakespeare)
"Hamlet" was written by Shakespeare. It is one if his most successful plays. (Passive voice = The focus is on "Hamlet", not on Shakespeare)

jeudi 5 avril 2012

Education in Madagascar

Part One : Reading And

A/ Comprehension: Read the text carefully and do the activities.

Education is a major issue in Madagascar, where two thirds of the population live in severe poverty. Many children, particularly, in rural and remote areas are out of school. To improve this situation especially for those living in the most remote and vulnerable zones, the Ministry of Education has been working, since 2005, to develop distance education via radio programmes.
The main audience for the programmes are children aged between five and nine years. The 15 Minutes

mercredi 4 avril 2012

Planets in our solar system

PART1: READING (15points)
Eight of the nine planets in our solar system fall into two groups called the inner planets and the outer planets. The four planets closest to the Sun are called the inner planets. They are Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. The inner planets are also called the rocky planets, because they are made mainly of rock and iron. There are four outer planets: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. The outer planets are also called the gas giants because they are huge and made mainly of gas. Pluto, the farthest planet from the Sun is a small ball of ice. Some astronomers wonder whether


                   Five years ago, astronomers viewed Mars as an essentially dead world. Recent discoveries made by the Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft and gleaned from Martian meteorites have changed that opinion.
                  The new picture of a `youthful Mars' not only confirms that geological activity occurred abundantly in the first two thirds of Mars's history, but also that it has continued until comparatively recently, and probably persists up to the present day. This finding will have a dramatic effect on the human exploration of Mars, and the quest to learn whether life ever existed there.

lundi 2 avril 2012


We use If + Present Simple + Present Simple to talk about things that are always true. We call this Zero conditional.

- If you don't eat, you get sick.

- If you visit New York, look out for the Statue of Liberty.

- If you smoke again, you die.

- If you heat ice, it melts.

We use If + Present simple + Will to talk about real possibilities.
We can use other conditional tools instead of "if" like unless (if not), as soon as and when.
- If he comes today, I will tell him.
- Unless it rains, I will visit you.
- I will do it as soon as I get home.


American newspapers try to entrain as well as give information, for they have to complete with TV.

for, here, introduces a cause. It's slightly more formal than because.

we introduce a cause using : because, for, since or as.

Examples :

- Newspapers are necessary in everyday life because they keep people informed.

- Advertisers use children in their commercials as childhood is seen as a world of innocence and honesty.

- Many people don't like commercials, for advertising campaigns add to the price of the products.

- Advertising creates frustration since it makes people want to buy what they cannot afford.

lundi 26 mars 2012

Letter of complaint

mantha Los Diegos
Calle Flores, Numero 116
Barcelona, Spain

18 Grosvenor Square Leicester
London, United Kingdom
Telephone : +44 (0)25 5891 3662

Dear Sir/ Madam
On may, 10 I had a home swap with Los Diegos family in Barcelona, Spain and I am really disappointed because that service had not performed as it should. Their flyer was a big lie and I think you must make sure that every property description was true and particular.
According to their announcement, the flat is very quiet; I can even remember the expression "All you can hear is the sound of the church bell", but actually that was not true at all. There was a bar downstairs which played loud music all the night and until five in the morning.

jeudi 1 mars 2012

Education in the United States

A/ Comprehension / Interpretation (07 points)
Read the text carefully then do the activities
      Education in the United States is provided mainly by government, with control and funding coming from three levels: federal, state and local. School attendance is compulsory and nearly universal at the primary and secondary levels (known in the United States as elementary and high school levels).
      The ages for compulsory education vary by state, beginning at the stages of five to eight and ending at the ages of fourteen to eighteen. A growing number of schools are now requiring school attendance until the junior high school age of 18.

lundi 20 février 2012

Wish,regret and complaining

Use of I wish / if only:

There are three distinct types of I wish / if only sentences:

  1. Wish, wanting change for the present or future with the simple past.

  2. Regret with the past perfect.

  3. Complaints with would + verb.

vendredi 17 février 2012

Expressing wish

Let's start off with the easy part. ' I wish to' can mean the same as 'I want to' but it is much, much more formal and much, much less common.
  • I wish to make a complaint.
  • I wish to see the manager.
You can also use 'wish' with a noun to 'offer good wishes'.
  • We wish you a merry Christmas.
  • I wish you all the best in your new job.

mardi 14 février 2012

Teenager rebellion

Third Term Examination of English (3LFL)

Mahatma Gandhi

Second Term Examination of English - 2LP

The Incan civilization

First term English exam - 3LFL

The civilizations relation

Read the text and answer the questions :      
      History shows that civilizations enrich one another. This enrichment is often the result of contacts of various kinds. For example, though Ancient Egyptians invented many things and achieved important scientific successes on their own, they didn’t keep theses inventions and achievements for themselves. In their contact with Ancient Egypt, Greek travellers and scientists like Thales borrowed both scientific and cultural ideas from the ancient Egyptians. Greek genius contributed to the development of these ideas. When the

dimanche 12 février 2012

University students

Part One: Reading (16pts)
             Read the text carefully, then do the following activities.

    Twenty years ago, many university students believed that once they had graduated, their education was complete. They would get a job and all they had to do was to work hard with the same employer until it was time to retire and rest after long years of work. Today, work isn’t like that. In the modern world, most young people must expect to change employers several times in their working lives. Many of them will possibly become self-employed, running their own businesses.

mardi 7 février 2012

Education and youngsters

    In the 21st century, getting high grades is what parents are pressing youngsters for.It will allow youngsters to enter specialized universities such medicine and business management ones,the parents think.
Teachers in high school constantly remind youngsters that grades count for high school applications. What many authorities over us do not seem to notice is how busy or hard life can be for us, youngsters. We have too much homework, sometimes evening classes; and on top of this, tests and exams awaiting for us.
Can't some people realize that youngsters aren't made to be perfect? We spend seven or more hours in classrooms each day and have short lunch periods, then I get home only to tackle my immense pile of homework and household chores. We are really trying to be the best we can be. Isn't that enough? For many of our authorities, apparently not.

samedi 4 février 2012

Education of gifted students

  Education of Gifted Students, area in the field of special education concerned with the instruction of students who have exceptionally high abilities. The United States Department of Education describes “giftedness” as exceptionally advanced performance or the potential for distinguished performance in intellectual, creative, leadership, artistic, or specific academic fields. Children who demonstrate exceptional talents come from all social, cultural, and economic groups.

vendredi 3 février 2012


Read the text carefully then do the activities
        Athenians thought of themselves as the shining star of the Greek city states. They were famous for their literature, poetry, drama, theatre, schools, buildings, and government. Before the Greek dark ages, Athens was a small village and developed rapidly until it became one of the two most powerful city states in the ancient Greek world.                                                                                                                  
          The Greek believed that each city state in ancient Greece had a god or a goddess in charge of it, their special patron. For Athens, the patron was Athena, goddess of wisdom. Perhaps because Athena was their patron, Athenians put a great deal of emphasis on education. 

jeudi 2 février 2012

Advertising and young people

Are ads that appeal to young people a waste of time? – Believe it or not, young people are an advertiser’s best investment.
Elizabeth, aged 16, remembers the first time she saw an ad for pore-cleaning strips. “It really made me want to do something right away – to go out and buy them”. Before she saw the ad on TV and in teen magazines, she doesn’t remember worrying about the state of her pores. “I think commercials try to make you feel self-conscious,” says Elizabeth. “They want you to worry about clean pores, about your hair being shiny enough, about how muscular you are, and how much you weigh.”

mercredi 1 février 2012

False advertising

Part 1. Reading : (15 points)
a)   Comprehension : Read the text carefully then do the activities: (8 points)      
False advertising is the use of deliberately false statements or deception in advertising, in order to gain a commercial advantage. As advertising has the potential to persuade people into commercial transactions that they might otherwise avoid, many governments around the world use regulations to control false, deceptive or misleading advertising.
Advertising the maximum is the most frequent deceptive and misleading method used by advertisers. Internet service providers, for example, may advertise their service as offering "up to 256 kbit/s", whereas on average use it could be just 20 kbit/s. The use of "up to" in the description protects them legally, while raising false hopes in the customers. Further, in the fine print it is mentioned that this includes both the download and upload speeds, deteriorating the customer's usage experience even more.

Ancient Egypt civilization

Read the text carefully and do the activities
          The civilazation of ancient egypt dates back to around 3000 Bc when the first pharaoh was
established as ruler of Upper and Lower egypt.many different dynastiest ruled the country ever almost
3000 years,but in 332 BC it was conquered by Alexander the Great and so become part of the Greek
        Ancient Egypt developed one of the earliest forms of writing hieroglyphics, but very few people
could read and write.Only a certain group of people were allowed to train to be scribes.
       Egyptians burial practices information about religious beliefs,including the belief in an after life.
This required the body to be preserved.We call this process mimmification.

mardi 31 janvier 2012

Obesity in the UK

 Read the text carefully and do the activities.
   The health time bomb of obesity is exploding. Already one in three UK children is obese or overweight. Unless we act, by 2050 over half of adults and almost half of children will be clinically obese. Given that obesity takes, on average, 13 years from the life of sufferers, this could lead to the first fall in life expectancy for over 300 years.
               A key cause of the obesity crisis is our poor diet. The vast majority of  UK children consume too much salt, fat and sugar and almost all of them don't get enough fruits and vegetables. In addition to obesity, poor diet is causing a rise in diabetes, heart diseases and other health problems.

Advertising and profit

  Lots of big companies are making much profit. Why don’t they stop advertising and reduce the price of their goods. The poor consumer would have to pay a great deal more if advertising didn’t create many markets for products. It’s precisely because of heavy advertising that consumer goods are so cheap. But we get the wrong idea if we think that the only purpose of advertising is to sell goods. Another important function is to inform. A great deal of knowledge we have about household goods derive largely from the advertisements we read. They introduce us to new products or remind us of the existence of a few ones we already know.

lundi 30 janvier 2012

Exam on Medical ethics with correction

Level: 3year foreign languages
Duration: 3 hours
         Medical ethics are the principles or standards of human conduct with regard to the field of medicine, medical research, the philosophical analysis and discussion of these principles. Questions about medical ethics were, until the middle of the 20 century, thought to be for the medical profession alone to answer. There might be questions, for example, about whether it could be ever be right to breach the strict code of confidentiality that holds between doctor and patient.

dimanche 29 janvier 2012

Comparative and superlative adjectives

Conditional type 0

When we want to talk about things that are always or generally true, we can use
If/When/Unless plus a present form PLUS present simple or imperative.

  • If you press this button, you get black coffee.

  • When you fly budget airline, you don't expect to get anything to eat.

  • Unless you need a lot of leg-room, don't pay the extra for first class.

vendredi 27 janvier 2012

Pen pal

 132, Constitution street,
                                                          Spring square,
                     Dear Jamal,
                       Hi, My name is Claudio.I’m from Italy, but I live in Spain. I’m seventeen years old. I’m a student, and I go to school five days a week.
                     My best family member is my uncle, Juan.He is thirty years old. He is an actor.He is Spanish,but he lives in America. He loves music and he listens to it everyday. My uncle has got a happy family. His wife’s name is Jane. She is twenty eight years old .She is American. She is a doctor. My uncle and

mardi 24 janvier 2012

Bill Gates

Read the following Passage then answer the questions below.
     Bill Gates was born on October 28th 1955 in Seattle, USA.  His father, William H.  Gates was a lawyer.  His mother, Mary Gates, was a schoolteacher.  She died in 1994.  Bill Gates began programming computers at age 13.  In 1973, Gates joined Harvard University.
     He started Microsoft company in 1975 with his friend Paul Allen.  Microsoft has become the largest software company in the world.  Some of its famous products are Windows Xp Professional, Windows Vista and office 2007.  Bill Gates has become the richest person in the world.
      He married Melinda French in 1994 in Hawaii.  They have three children; Jennifer, Rory and Phoebe.  Gates enjoys reading and playing golf.  Bill and Melinda Gates made a big organization for helping the poor and education.


he technology of computer science is having a dramatic effect on our lives, and the most immediate consequence of this technology is its impact on employment. Robots and computer – have taken over routine jobs on the car assembly line where three robots can replace ten men working on a two-shift system. One giant American company has shown that it is now possible to replace all its assembly workers with machines. Robots carry out tedious tasks with a high degree of reliability for an hourly “wage” of about 5 dollars. The average human worker on a car assembly line, in contrast, earns about 20 dollars an hour.

lundi 23 janvier 2012


1 / Circle the correct answers: 

We all need food to survive. But in the last 50 years, research has shown that the food we eat 1(ought to / may / has to) be killing us, rather than helping us survive. The body stays in good health when it receives nutrients 2(that / who / whom) come from the food we eat. Some of the 'healthiest foods', which are the foods highest in essential nutrients 3(and / but / then) are familiar, affordable and great tasting, are the same foods that are artificially, 4(chemical / chemistry / chemically), synthetically and genetically produced. As a result of this, the human body is not only being robbed of the nutrients it needs to sustain 5(himself / herself / itself), but it is also being exposed to 6(dangerous  / useful  / healthy) chemicals that can cause serious harm. And that's the problem. But it doesn't have to be a problem any longer because we have found the 7(cause / reason / solution): organic food which is food 8(of / from / for) plants and animals that are produced without the use of synthetic fertilizers, artificial pesticides, herbicides, antibiotics, growth hormones, feed additives or genetically modified organisms.

dimanche 22 janvier 2012


t is a well known saying that work means stress, but psychologists claim that those who suffer from stress are often not high-powered executives but unskilled workers doing boring, repetitive jobs, especially those on production lines. Unemployment often has a similar effect on its victims. If we wish to prevent this type of stress and the depression that frequently follows long periods of it, we will find ways of educating people to cope with this sudden increase in leisure time.

Noise pollution

hen people speak of pollution, they generally mean pesticides, acid rain, nuclear waste and chemicals dumped into rivers or oceans. They rarely allude to noise which, as been recently proved, is a major source of pollution.
Bearing in mind that noise is one of the most unpleasant features of modern life, governments have done their best to reduce it. They have built barriers along roads to protect houses from the sound of traffic and have also prohibited radios in public places and issued laws against people who disturb others at night.

samedi 21 janvier 2012

Nathalie's achievements

 Natalie was a gifted schoolgirl who loved swimming. It had always been her dream to participate in the Olympic Games, and she got a chance in 2000, but early in 2001, just as she was leaving the New-lands swimming pool one morning round about seven o’ clock, a motorist smashed into her scooter. She was badly injured, and had to have her leg amputated. After her traumatic accident, her dreams of becoming a famous swimmer seemed not to have been accomplished. But she didn’t give up. She was determined to continue with her life and to fulfill her dreams. She says that she “grew up” after the accident, and only then realized what life was really all about.

vendredi 20 janvier 2012

Alexander Graham Bell

Alexander Graham Bell was born in Edinburgh, Scotland on March 3, 1847. When he was only eleven years old, he invented a machine that could clean wheat. Graham studied anatomy and physiology at the University of London, but moved with his family to Quebec, Canada in 1870.
Bell soon moved to Boston, Massachusetts. In 1871, he began working with deaf people and published the system of Visible Hearing that was developed by his father. Visible Hearing illustrated how the tongue, lips, and throat are used to produce vocal sounds. In 1872, Bell founded a school for the deaf which soon became part of Boston University.

jeudi 19 janvier 2012

Advertising mags and newspapers

Anyone who lives in America is aware of advertising. Persuading newspapers and magazines, we see full-page colour ads urging us to buy clothes, autos, cigarettes and kitchen appliances. Television and radio programmes include commercials; we all have heard the phrases “brought to you by” and “sponsored by” hundreds of times. If we drive, we see road signs or bill roads proclaiming the qualities of products or the location of restaurants or motels. If we commute on a transmit system, we can’t help but notice the prominent signs displayed on the buses and the subways. And in our mail, along with the bills and the letters, come shiny flyers and circulars promoting products and announcing sales.

mardi 17 janvier 2012

Acid Rain

Acid rain is a form of pollution. It can occur naturally near volcanoes or some wetlands. But the main cause of acid rain is from human sources, such as power plants, factories and motor vehicles. Factories produce many kinds of toxic chemicals. Among them, the key substances of acid rain are 502(sulfur dioxide) and NO(nitrogen oxide).
When 502 and NO are emitted into the atmosphere in factory smoke, they get absorbed by water droplets in the clouds. The chemicals change the water's pH level by turning them to acid. Later, when the toxic water droplets fall to the earth as rain, snow or mist, the acid rain has adverse impacts on the environment.

Fast food

Fast food is cheap, easy and quick. Fast food companies spend millions of dollars each year trying to make young people believe that fast food is cool. The average American eats three burgers and four orders of French fries a week. Is it surprising that 14% of American teenagers are obese?

lundi 16 janvier 2012

Cloning wars

Two scientists are talking about human cloning. Read their opinions.

Dr.Ian Bulfield
"Human cloning will take place, and I don't fear it at all. I welcome it. I think it's right and proper that we continue this kind of inquiry. There are a number of genetic diseases for which there is no cure... and this will enable us to carry out research into the causes of those diseases and perhaps develop methods to treat them. Cloning has potential uses, including new medicines, or possibly developing techniques to treat diseases, such as fixing defective cells and returning them to the patient. These studies could also provide valuable information about the mechanism of ageing. Besides, there might be cases where human cloning could benefit infertile couples. Let me compare today's debate to the 1960s, when many believed heart transplants were unethical."

dimanche 15 janvier 2012

Laughter benefits

I read that a child laughs 400 times a day on the average, while an adult laughs only 15 times each day. Which is puzzling since laughter feels so good and is so good for us! You may know the benefits of laughter on the mind and spirit, but are you aware of how much a good laugh can help you physically? Norman Cousins used to say that laughter is so bene¬ficial for your body that it is like “inner jog¬ging.”
Mayo Clinic (Mayo Clinic Health Letter, March 1993) reports that laughter aids breathing by disrupting your normal respiration pattern and in¬creasing your breathing rate. It can even help clear mucus from your lungs. Laughter is also good for your heart. It in¬creases circulation and improves the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to tissues throughout your body.

samedi 14 janvier 2012

Technology and schools

 Will technology  replace schools ?
       Text :
             1-  Some people believe that soon schools will no longer be necessary. These people say that
         because of the Internet and other new technology , there is no longer any need for school buildings,
         formal classes or teachers. Perhaps, this will be true one day, but it is hard for me to imagine a world
         without schools. In fact, we need to look at how we can use new technology to make schools better
         not to eliminate them.

lundi 9 janvier 2012

exam on consumerism

 PART ONE: Reading and Interpreting (16pts)                                                                                              Read the following text then do the activities.                                                         
      Chinese consumers are losing confidence in their country’s dairy industry after the latest contaminated milk products scandal. Almost6, 500 babies and children become ill and four have died. Several hundred infants now have kidney problems. Many children need operation to remove stones from their kidneys. The reason for this tragedy is the poisonous compound added to the milk to increase the level of protein in it. The country’s biggest dairy company admitted finding the deadly melamine chemical in its baby powder. The same chemical has also been found in liquid milk. Supermarkets are clearing their shelves of domestic milk products.

jeudi 5 janvier 2012


   Ambition is the strong desire we feel to reach some goals in our life. It is one of the main forces which motivates our actions and sustains the hard efforts we make during long years. When it takes hold of our minds we go to extremes to satisfy it and give a material existence to any of the realisations we want to accomplish  in the future.

mercredi 4 janvier 2012

The Internet

Read the text and answer the questions:
The Internet is one of the latest developments in the world of communication. It is a communication network spread all over the world. Three things are needed to be connected to the Internet: a computer, a telephone line and a service provider.
It was first used by the U.S Army in the late 60’s as a super-power competition in the cold war between the American and the Russians. It was called at that time the Web. Later on, this means of communication was shared by people throughout the world.

dimanche 1 janvier 2012


I- Read the following text and then do the tasks below
About three years ago, something terrible happened to me. Those six hours of terror have broken my body and soul. You think I am a very old man-but I am not. It took less than a single day to change my hair from black to white. One day, my two brothers and I were coming back from the islands, our boat full of fish. All at once, the horizon was covered with a cloud and in less than a minute we were in a terrible storm. An enormous wave covered our boat and my younger brother fell overboard. Our boat survived, and I was trying to recover when my elder brother put his mouth close to my ear, and screamed out the horrifying word "Whirlpool!" With the wind and waves we were going in the direction of the whirlpool, and nothing could save us!