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mercredi 14 décembre 2011

Big mac

Part One: READING                                                                                (15PTS)
A) COMPREHENSION                                                                           (7pts)
Read the following text carefully then do the activities

What about a Big Mac, Mr. Spurlock?
Last year, Morgan Spurlock, a US film-maker spent 30days eating at Mac Donald’s for breakfast, lunch and dinner. And he documented his gastronomic journey in the award-winning film “Super Size Me”.
The idea for the documentary, which will come out nationally on June 3rd, came after the 33-year-old saw a T.V news report about two teenagers suing Mac Donald’s for making them obese.
At the beginning of the month, the 188cm Spurlock weighed    84 kg and was declared fit and healthy by three doctors- a General Practitioner, a liver and blood specialist, and a cardiologist, who monitored his progress.
Within two weeks his liver, according to his General Practitioner, had “turned to pâté”, he had gained more than 11kg, and his cholesterol had risen by almost 40%.
By week three Spurlock woke up one morning with chest pains and heart palpitations. “The worst thing was the incredible mood swings with highs and lows, from excitement when he ate to depression because the food is filled with so much fat and sugar and caffeine.”
As for eating another Big Mac, Spurlock’s answer is surprising. “To this day, if I smell a Big Mac I want it. It makes my mouth water. I can’t eat it though, because it doesn’t even taste like food any more.
Adapted from “The Australian”, May25, 2005

1- Choose the answer that best completes each of the following statements.                                                   a) The text is:
a. A survey                     b. a newspaper article                c. an advert for Mc Donald’s
b. The text relates :
a. The story of a poor man who cannot afford eating at Mc Donald’s.
b. Health problems caused by fast food.
c. An attack against fast food restaurants.
c. Morgan Spurlock related his experience in:
a. a film                 b. a book                   c. a magazine

2- Are the following statements true or false?
a. Mr. Spurlock ate at Mc Donald’s for a month.
b. Mr. Spurlock  was the first person to criticize Mc Donald’s.
c. Mc Donald’s food acts as if it was a drug.
d. At the end of the experience, Mr. Spurlock was totally disgusted by Mc Donald’s food.

3- Answer the questions according to the text.
a. How did Mr. Spurlock get the idea for his documentary?
b. Who monitored his progress during the experience?
c. What happened to him after the second week?
d. Did the eagerness of eating a “Big Mac” remain the same at the end of his gastronomic journey?

4 –what or who do the underlined words refer to in the text .
               a. he (§1)                      b. which (§2)                c. who (§3)           d. It (§6)
B) Text exploration                                                                                               (8pts)
   1.  Find in the text words closest in meaning to the following.
a) Very fat (§2)                                            b) attacking (§2)
2. Which nouns can be derived from the following adjectives?

Adjectives    Nouns
Fit    ……………………
3. Ask questions that the underlined words answer.
a. Mr. Spurlock made a film on fast food restaurants.
b. Two teenagers decided to sue the company.

  4. Complete sentence (b) so that it means the same as sentence (a).
A)   a- Three doctors monitored his progress.                                                                                                             
       b-  His progress……………………………………….
B)   a- They declared him fit and healthy.
              b- He ………………………………………………….
    5. Combine the following statements using the connectors in brackets.
               a. Mr. Spurlock gained weight. He ate too much fat. (because)
               b. Morgan’s experience was interesting. He documented it in a film. (so……..that)

    6. Classify the following words according to the number of their syllables.
              -Gastronomic           - obesity           - food           - healthy

1 syllable    2 syllables    3syllable & more

     7. Fill in the gaps with words from the following list.
               - overweight   – fattest    – Britain    - children.
    We are the ……(1) ……... people in Europe . According to a report by the National Audit Office (NAO), nearly two-thirds of men, over half of women, and one in 10 ………(2) …….. under age 11 are …………(3) ……….. in …………(4).…………..

  Part Two : Written Expression                                                                          (5pts)
            Choose one of the following topics.
   Either topic one :
     People are suffering from many diseases due to food. Obesity is one of these health problems. In your       opinion, why are there so many overweight people, nowadays ?  Give some reasons to justify your answers .
         You can use the following notes :
 lack of physical exercise - we don’t walk, take transport or taxi for very short distances - we eat too much and badly - instead of cooking - we prefer junk food…..
   Or topic two : 
         Do you sometimes go to fast food restaurants? Say what you like or don’t like about them explaining why.

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