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mardi 6 décembre 2011

Food Companies

PART 1: READING                                                                                                                     (15 pts)
Read the text carefully then do the activities.

A. COMPREHENSION                                                                                                 (08pts)

Greedy marketing executives have found a new way of selling their products to children. Besides bombarding them on TV, in the streets and at school, the world’s junk food makers are trying to sell their hamburgers, chocolate and soft drinks to children who play games on the Internet.
       A new report says more than eighty percent of the world’s food companies are using this clever method. The report was created by America’s Kaiser Family Foundation. It is called “It's Child's Play: Advergaming and the Online Marketing of Food to Children”. It is the first major analysis of how food companies advertise to children on the Web. It studies the tactics of companies such as Mars, and McDonalds in targeting kids. The report says online advertisements are more effective than TV ads at attracting children.
       The report sadly brings a new word into the English vocabulary – the “advergame”. This is an immoral technique to get kids attracted while they are having fun online. In addition, a variety of other marketing tactics are used to get kids to spend long periods of time online. The food companies fill the games with logos and advertisements. They encourage children to e-mail their friends about products and brands. They also recommend children to join special clubs related to the games. Children can increase their chances of winning games by buying the products and typing in special codes found inside the packaging. Ethical concerns are raised about the role food advertising plays in childhood obesity; some specialists warn the reach of online advertising is much deeper than that of television.

1/ Choose the answer that best completes each sentence.
1- Food companies try to sell their products to kids when they …………………..
a) play games on the Internet.           b) have live chats                   c) do research for schoolwork

2- A new report says more than…………… of the world’s food companies are using a clever method.
a) 08%                                    b) 18 %                       c) 80%

3- The advergame is ……………………………………………………………………
a)      an ethical technique to get kids attracted while they are having fun online.
b)      an unethical technique to get kids attracted while they are having fun online.
c)      a safe technique to get kids attracted while they are having fun online.

2/ Put the ideas below in the right order according to their occurrence in the text.
a)      An analysis has been made on how food companies advertise to children on the web.
b)      Childhood obesity is one of the consequences of online food advertisements.
c)      Junk food is sold through online advertisements.

3/ Answer the following questions according to the text.
a)      What are the different means that food companies use to sell their products?
b)      What conclusion has the report made?
c)      How do food companies encourage children to buy more products?

4/ Choose a suitable title to the text.
a)      Online Marketing
b)      Food Advertising
c)      Food Companies Targeting Kids Online

B. TEXT EXPLORATION                                                                                           (07pts)

1/ Find in the text.
a) a word opposite in meaning to: consumers (§1)
b) a word closest in meaning to : intelligent (§2)
c) a word whose definition follows: excessive body fat (§3)

2/ Give opposites to the following words keeping the same root.
    a) effective                      b) immoral                  c) encourage               d) increase

3/  Combine the following  sentences using the connectors given in brackets.
a)The government should ban food advertisements. (It’s high time)
b)      Parents should control their children when they are connected. (had better)
c)Food companies advertise very interesting offers, so children buy more products. (such…that)
d)     Many campaigns should be launched against food companies because their advertisements have an effect on children’s health. ( owing to)

4/  Underline the silent letter in each word.
     a) hamburgers                               b) chocolate                            c) while                      

5/  Match statements in column A with statements in Column B.

A    B
1-  Being obese increases the risk of
2-  Makers of junk food are
3-  There is a link between
4-  There should be restrictions on food  
      advertisements    a)      advertising and children’s diet.
b)      which target children.
c)      developing cancer, diabetes and heart diseases.
d)      designing websites to catch the attention of children.
PART 2: Written Expression                                                                                (05 pts)
                                             Choose one of the following topics.
Either Topic 1:
The global epidemic of overweight and obesity - "globesity" - is rapidly becoming a major public health problem in many parts of the world. You are invited to prepare a speech for the World Health Organization Summit, use the following notes to write it:
Immature - eager to try everything new - addicted to online games - easy victims - food companies – tactics - parents – advertisers - junk food makers – responsible – overweight - heart diseases -  health education – restrictions - campaigns

Or Topic 2:

“When it comes to reaching their youngest consumers, food companies are not kidding. Their sophisticated advertisements are drawing children into playing hundreds of free Internet games featuring their favourite junk food. ”
What impact does this have on children and what should be done to stop these greedy companies?

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