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jeudi 15 décembre 2011


    corruption has become an issue of major political and economic significance in recent years and the necessity to take measures against it has become evident. The OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development has assumed a leading role in preventing international bribery and corruption.
    In broad terms, political corruption is the misuse by government officials of their governmental powers for illegitimate, usually secret, private gain. Misuse of government power for other purposes, like repression of political opponents and general police brutality, is not considered political corruption. Illegal acts by private persons or corruptions not directly involved with the government are not considered political corruption either.
    All forms of government are susceptible to political corruption. Forms of corruption vary, but include bribery, extortion, cronyism, nepotism, patronage, graft, and embezzlement. While corruption may facilitate criminal enterprise such as drug trafficking, money crime activities. In some nations corruption is so common that it is expected when ordinary businesses or citizens interact with government officials. The end-point of political corruption is a kleptocracy, literally “rule by thieves”.
    What constitutes illegal corruption differs depending on the country or jurisdiction. Certain political funding practices that are legal in one place may be illegal in another. In some countries, government officials have broad or not well defined powers, and the line between what is legal and illegal can be difficult to draw.

A/ Comprehension / Interpretation : (7pts)
1- Tick the correct answer (a, b or c) that best completes statements A, B or C.
A. The aim of the passage is to :
a. Orgue a point - b. Inform - c. Entertain
B. The type of discourse of the passage is :
a. Narrative - b. Argumentative - c. Expository
C. Choose the idea that best summarizes the text :
a. Corruption and bribery - b. Political corruption - c Political ethics
2- Are the following statements true, False or not Mentioned. Justify the false ones.
A. Forms of government have a tendency to political corruption.
B. Drug trafficking, money laundering and trafficking result from corruption.
C. Illegal corruption varies from one country to another.
D. When ordinary businessmen or citizens interact with government officials, then are charged 10% “commission”.
3- Answer the following questions according to the text:
A. What is necessary to do against corruption?
B. What is the role of OECD?
C. Is the misuse of government power restricted by a law? Why? Or why not?
4- In which paragraph is it mentioned that politician officials pass in favour of their own interests.
B/ Text Exploration:
1- Match each word from column A with its appropriate definition from column B.
A. Words
- Corruption      - Government       - Embezzlement                - Nepotism
    B. Definitions
- The act of stealing money from your employer or a company you work for.
- The act of making somebody change from moral to immoral standards of behaviour.
-Giving unfair advantages to your relatives, friends…ect. If you are in position of power.
- A particular system or method of controlling a country.
2- Which nouns can be derived from the following adjectives:
3-Give The correct form of the verbs between brackets:
- It (be) immoral to engage in activities that (not comply) with ethics. Today, irresponsible people (be) reading to take a bride or embezzle the public funds. They can also (sell) fire arms or killer drugs. These drugs (be sold) even to children.
4- Rewrite the second sentence so that it means the same as the first one:
a. Drug traders are acquiring illegal vast fortunes .
b. Illegal vast fortunes ………………………………..
a. Some illegal organisations have become so intensive that no authority is able
to check or penalize them.
b. Some illegal organisations ……………………..
a. If the government passes stringent laws against bribery taking, workers will
be fair and probit.
b. The workers will be fair and probit ………………………….
a. In some nations, even ordinary citizen is obliged to interact with officials.
b. In some nations, even an ordinary citizen…………………………………….
5- Classify the following according to number of syllables:
Corruption – Issue - Economic - Measures – Assumed - Accepted.

One syllable               Two syllable           Three syllables             Four syllables
6- Complete what A says in the dialogue below:
A: ……………………………………..?
B: Yes, Algeria is also suffering from all sorts of corruption and fraud.
A: …………………………………….?
B: Bribery taking is widely spread in business, politics, economy and many
other domains.
A: ……………………………………?
B: Dishonest workers of course. But probit workers refuse totally bribe taking;
even if they are in need.
A: ……………………………………?
B: The authorities should pass stringent laws against corrupted individuals.
Part two: Writing (6pts)
Choose one topic only:
Topic one : Some people think that counterfeiting is beneficial to consumers by giving them the chance to buy goods with lower prices.
- Do you agree with that statement? Justify your answer with example.
- Use the following notes and express cause / result :
•Imitated products / poor quality / not last long.
Examples: Clothes – shoes – cosmetics.
•Fake medicines / ineffective / endanger people’s health.
Examples: Medicines manufactured below normal standards of quality.
Inactive ingredients – mislabelled expiry date.
•Piracy / make end to creativity / no innovation.
Example: Property theft.
- Use the link words: first, second, in addition to that, more over, furthermore, in
Topic two: What would you do to fight fraud and all sort of corruption if you were elected head of a state

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