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vendredi 16 décembre 2011

Ethics concerns

Part 1: Reading.             (15 pts)
A.    Comprehension: [08pts]
Read the text carefully then do the following activities;
         Ethics concerns human conduct, character, and values. It studies the nature of right and wrong and the distinction between good and evil. Ethics explores the nature of justice and of a just society, and also one's obligations to oneself, to others, and to society.
         Ethics asks such questions as "What makes right actions right and wrong actions wrong?" "What is good and what is bad?" and "What are the proper values of life?" Problems arise in ethics because we often have difficulty knowing exactly what the right thing to do is. In many cases, our obligations conflict or are vague. In addition, people often disagree about whether a particular action or principle is morally right or wrong

         A view called relativism maintains that what is right or wrong depends on the particular culture concerned. What is right in one society may be wrong in another, this view argues, and so no basic standards exist by which a culture may be judged right or wrong. Objectivism claims that there are objective standards of right and wrong which can be discovered and which apply to everyone. Subjectivism states that all moral standards are subjective matters of taste or opinion.
         Faced with the great variety of ethical theories, people may still lack answers to such questions as "How should I live?" and "What should I do?" Such questions probably ask too much of ethics. Perhaps ethics can do no more than help us make our own ideas clearer, more rational, and more responsive to the realities of life. Ethical theory might not be able to tell Alice what to do. But it might help her to think clearly and critically about her values, and to decide whether she needs to develop better ones. That is probably a process that never ends.
                                                (from world book2004)
1-    Copy the choice that best completes the statements;
A.    The text is addressed to:      a) Teachers.    b) Specialists.     c) General reader.
B.    The text is:                             a) Narrative.    b) Prescriptive.   c) Descriptive.

2-    What do the underlined words in the text refer to?
A.    Which (§3)……………….
B.    She (§4) ……………….

3-    Are the following statements true or false?
a)    Ethics studies the moral nature and the behaviour of people.
b)    People agree on the proper values of life.
c)    Moral standards are the same in the world.
d)    Ethics tells us what is right and what is wrong.

B-    Text Exploration:      [07 pts]

4-    Find in the text words whose definition follow ;
a)    Way of acting, behaviour (§1).
b)    To be opposed, clash (§2).
c)    To put to practical use, put into effect (§3).
d)    To be without (§4).
1.    Which verbs can be derived from the following nouns?
Distinction – obligation – question - service.
2.    Combine the following pairs of statements using the given connectors;
a-    The lorry crashed into a house. The lorry was carrying wood.  (Which).
b-    The scientists are experimenting on animals .They want to prove the efficiency
of the vaccine. (in order to)
3.    Ask the question that the underlined words answer ;
    Ethics studies the nature of right and wrong.
4.    Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets;
    Many people use garlic for flavouring meat and for (to make) medicine that (to reduce) cholesterol. People often (to buy) it when they do the shopping. Being a garlic eater (to be) something to be proud of. It (to show) that you enjoy healthy living.
5.    Underline the stressed syllables in the following words ;
Concern - obligation - society - justice
6.    Fill in the blanks with three words from the list;
product - with - by - protect - inform – quality
    There are many associations which provide consumers…………information about marketed products in Britain. Their main purpose is to……………consumers from abuse. When a consumer suffers from the bad quality of o given………………, he complains to these associations.

Part 2: Writing.             (06 pts)
Choose one of the following topics;

Topic1:  - Do you think that people in your country are on the whole mindful about food safety? Explain.

Topic2:  - Prepare a short public statement saying what you would do to fight fraud and corruption if you were elected Head of State. Use the following notes: [pass stringent laws - fight tax evasion / capital flight - appoint honest civil servants - rehabilitate the value of work].

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