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vendredi 16 décembre 2011


A) Read the following passage. Underline the verbs in the present simple, present continuous. Then
rewrite all the passage in the passive.
Analysts link corruption to people. The societies that respect the moral values also fight corruption.
Governments give much importance to ethics education, you notice less corrupted attitudes. Provided
you introduce ethics in the syllabus, more honesty will prevail. Many organisations are planning various
actions against corrupted leaders who are adopting corruption and corrupted attitudes. These
organisations are dealing with difficult situations and the lack of transparency at all levels is making the
situation more dramatic.

B)  Use the following notes to write instructions about what you must do to fight corruption
- Educate people
- No imports from countries known for their counterfeited products
 - Honest government control
 - Free justice
 -Transparent financial economic agreements

C) Read the following paragraph. Underline the statements that convey opinion, conditions, wish
and regret.
  Provided that African people put an end to corruption, their countries would develop more rapidly.
I consider this is the only means towards welfare. It’s high time political power is translated into a
more equitable distribution od resources. We wish Africans could break the cycle of corruption.
Thus, of violence and poverty. Though it’s a pity they lost so much time and so many lives.
Read the following paragraph. Underline that statements that convey opinion, conditions, wish
and regret.
D) Read the following passage. Underline the verbs in the past simple and in the past perfect. Explain
the difference between actions in the past simple and actions in the past perfect.
  Great civilisations had flourished before they fell down. In the century, Toynbee explained in his
famous books about history how civilisations had risen and had fallen. Before him, Ibn Khaldun had
also developed very interesting ideas about the subject.
 E) Complete the following paragraph expressing concession.
  ................. the Muslims conquered Spain, they left after about seven centuries: ............... the
Alhambra Castle was built by the Arabs, the Spanish consider that it is part of their patrimony.
................ the fact they are not Muslims, the Spanish are proud of the buildings the Islamic
civilisation left in their country.
 F) Write a paragraph of 5 lines: Compare two ancient towns: one (that has been) preserved, the
other crumbling.
G) Complete the following passage using: ‘If I were ..’, ‘ought to’, ‘should’, ‘unless’.
  ............ the Algerian syllabus changes, the population’s general educational level will not improve.
Thus, the government ............. initiate an educational reform. This one ............. begin with he teachers’
training on new teaching methods. ........... teachers are trained, they won’t e able to master a new
syllabus. A pedagogical reform ............. begin with those who will put it into practice that it  to say, the
teachers. ...........a  teacher, I would ask for new ways of teaching. Schools ........... change according to
the world’s evolution. Computerising .............. be generalised. Teachers and pupils alike .............. be
able to use computers as a means of learning. ....... all the schools are equipped, we won’t improve our educational level and will be 
condemned to underdevelopment.   
 H) Complete the following paragraph using: ‘Unlike’, ‘while’, ‘whereas’,  different from’, ‘both’, ‘similar to’
 I am quite ............ my friend. I think the ideal school is one without teachers and without
prefects……my friend believes in discipline and hard work. His ideal school is ............ that of my
mother in a way.  … about discipline. But…….her, my friend wants computers in every
classroom. ........ he thinks computers are tools for learning, my mother  believes they are just for
entertainment .

I) Read the text. Put the verbs in the brackets in the correct form
In the market there (be) three types of food: organic products, conventional food and genetically
modified food (GMF). Consumers prefer (buy) organic food because it (contain) no pesticides and
no antibiotics. And also because advertising (play) a very important role. Advertising (keep) on
(explain) that organic food (be) healthier than the other kinds. Therefore, the eating (keep)
increasing. People (be) worried about food and safety. Thus, farmers (to turn) to organic farming
these days.
J) Complete the following sentence expressing either the cause or the effect
  ...........people worry a lot about food safety, the eating of organic food is increasing. .............
peasants avoid producing GMF’s. People refuse eating these latter .......... the fact that they may be
harmful to people’s health. ............... to advertising, people are more aware of the diseases linked to 
bad food. .............. how to keep on accepting GMF’s  when you hear of mad cow disease?
However, the debate for or against will certainly continue .......... strong evidence has not been
brought yet.
 K) Complete the following dialogue
Harry: ..................................................
Jane: A telescope is used for observing the space.
Harry: ..............................................
Jane: Yes, of course! We can observe the planets.
Harry: ............................................
Jane: The planet which interests me most is Venus.
Jane: First because of its name: It is such a nice name particularly in Arabic.
Harry: ..............................................
Jane: Its Arabic name is Ezzohra
Jane: Its distance from the Sun is .......
Harry: .................................................
Jane: Temperatures are as high as .........
Harry: ..............................................
Jane: Trips to the moon, yes. But not trips to Venus.
L) Give the correct form of the verbs between brackets then say what the following statements
  Suppose you (be) so rich that you (  ) pay millions of Dollars for a trip to the moon. You certainly
(enjoy) the voyage. As soon as you (land) on the moon, you (not/be) able to walk. You (fly). You
(have) a sense of lightness and intense joy.

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